CHARACTERSPsychological training | Personal development | Influence on others | Psychology in everyday life | Interesting facts from the world of psychology | Mind and emotions | Parenting, childhood, relationships, career | DDA | NeuropsychologyCharaktery is the oldest magazine in Poland popularizing psychological knowledge - published since 1997! Our goal is to provide our readers with knowledge about psychology in everyday life and to discover the meanders of the mind together.→ We will help you get to know yourself, your choices and other people better, which will have a positive impact on your mental well-being.→ You will receive from our experts in each issue practical, concrete tips that will help you in your personal development, in building healthy relationships in your sense of happiness and self-acceptance.→ You will learn about the world of psychology, you will get to know the results of new research and psychological and neuropsychological curiosities.They cooperate with us: • Prof. Filip Zimbardo,• Prof. Dariusz Skowroński,• Prof. dr hab. Maria Beisert,• Paweł Dyberny,• Anna Bajus,• Natalia de Barbaro,• Jacek Dehnel,• Prof. dr hab. Jacek Bomba,• Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Zgółka PERMANENT SECTIONS:ABOUTarticles focused on a specific, leading topic of the issuePSYCHOLOGY AND LIFEtexts of experienced psychologists and psychotherapists giving guidelines and tips on how to translate psychological knowledge and science into the realities of everyday lifePSYCHOLOGICAL TRAININGselected methods, techniques and tools for conducting therapy and self-therapy in the context of healthy human functioning in todays worldLIVING STYLESinspirations, essays, columns and materials combining psychological knowledge with anthropology, philosophy, sociology or art